“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” ~Van Gogh
The Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh is among my favorite artists. His bright colors and bold textures inspire me to paint. I promise you; I’d never compare my paintings to those vivid beautiful artworks that Van Gogh created. However, this quote helps me to remember even though Vincent is a huge success, now. He too struggled to make quality art.
I don’t believe “fabulousness” just happens. Fabulousness is like a flower. It doesn’t magically appear. It starts from a seed. Then sprouts and grows. The plant blooms after a long struggle against the winds of time. Fabulousness is created by those who are willing to take the time to sitting down, to work, to learn from failure, and to keep trying.
Van Gogh kept trying. In about seven years he created over two thousand works of art.
So, when I wiped my canvas clean last month and wrote about my struggles, that was not the end. I picked my paintbrush back up and started again. And well, I thought I’d share this creative journey towards fabulousness with you. So, here’s my new painting. I’ve still got more to learn. But I’m enjoying the steps along the way.
Thank you for visiting my blog site. Please feel free to share these thoughts and artwork with others. Keep watching for my new children’s book The Unbelievable Topsy Turvy Day! Coming soon! Leanne M Benson .com
Much improved and your story is so very true. As with most things, fabulousness or greatness doesn’t come overnight. It comes with practice and patience. My son played hockey with an amazingly talented boy when he was just starting out who was a beautiful, fluid skater; everyone watching him was in awe of his skill. However, someone commented at one point saying that while this young boy was in fact a very fine skater, that one day he would peak and the others would catch up. It’s hard to imagine when you’re the one struggling, but it can and does happen.
Well said, Mary Jo. I believe, it’s not necessarily the smartest or most talented people that success but the ones that are willing to put in the time.
Love your insightful perspective, Leanne. Gave me pause to reflect inward. Thanks!
Thank you, Joan.
This is among one of my favorite blog posts from anyone! Well said❣️❣️❣️
I love when professionals show/share their struggles and imperfections. It’s great encouragement for those of us sticking our toes in unexplored waters. Your paintings are so detailed and fun. I really appreciate the time you take to add depth to your creations. I can’t wait to buy lots of copies of your new book to share your talents with my friends – those with and without children. Thanks for your delightful insights and creative talents. We need to spread the word so more people can share in your joy.
Thank you Jeanette. I like your prospective on trying new things. Enjoy the “water”!
Absolutely delightful Leanne! Thank you for sharing your work and the story of perseverance required to accomplish great art!
To be able to write and draw is so wonderful! Good job, Leanne.