Grandpa’s Homemade Spaghetti

Winter’s a great time of year to bake all those wonderful meals, and desserts. Do you have a signature dish that others will remember you by?

I remember my grandfather making homemade spaghetti. And I still think of him whenever I make it.

Grandpa’s Homemade Spaghetti   

Trudging through the icy drifts,

I made my way to Grandpa’s house.

And with each step, uninvited snow

Jumped inside my little boots.

I was chilled from my nose to my toes

By the time I rounded the corner.

A trail of snow followed me in-

To Grampa’s rickety screen porch.

With half-frozen fingers, I opened his door.

To a delicious aroma that welcomed me in.

Then Grandpa shuffled to the table

With two big bowls of hot spaghetti.

I tucked the napkin and bowed my head.

Then watched that fork perform

An old folk dance from Italy. 

A leap and a turn of the fork toward the plate.

A spin and twist of the noodles.

A furrow in the dance through the deep, rich, red sauce.

A turn east, west, south, and north,

And a toss of the fork to another… 

Another fork full, another dance,

And through my lips another song.

With noodles humming humbly

The sauce entered in –to the tangy sweet song.

Chomp, chomp, chomp went the beat.

And the meaty cymbals crashed.

One last draw across the bow(l)

And that final note was held—

Forever in my memory.



Oh, how I remember, those scrumptious mouthfuls.

And I’d suffer that walk all over again,

for just one more meal with Grandpa

and his delicious homemade spaghetti.


It’s hard to think of only one recipe that I’d be remembered by. But I imagine it might be for my chewy chocolate chip cookies, my “ten-pound” carrot cake, my spicy Kafka, my tender, savory barbecued ribs, or maybe my cheesy Thai pizza. I’m not Lebanese, nor am I Thai, but I’m also not Italian. I just really enjoy different ethnic foods.

What recipes will others remember you by?

Please leave me a comment. I always enjoy hearing from you!

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As always, thanks for stopping by.

Happy Holidays!

2 thoughts on “Grandpa’s Homemade Spaghetti”

    1. Thank you, Patricia. It was fun to think about some of those days gone by as I wrote this poem. I hope it awakened some of your warm childhood memories as well.

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